Tips for a Survival Garden

Survival gardens were quite popular around the World War with people growing their own crops in the yards or in public parks and spaces. The appeal of such a self-sustaining way of living has gained back some popularity in recent years with people wondering how to plant their own crops. The tips below might be helpful in starting a survival garden.


These are staple foods in various regions across the world and can be grown in a wide variety of soils and climates. If the ground is covered with mulch, these can be overwintered in the ground.


These are high sources of protein and fiber and a great staple food as well. Beans are quite appreciated by children as well due to their sweetness and mushiness and as such make good vegetables to have in bulk.

Winter squash

These are fairly easy to grow and once you have got started, more vegetables would sprout as the vines would spread around. They would just be requiring some good watering. Winter squash is a good source of fiber and vitamin and excellent for soups in winter.


This is another vegetable that children might be appreciating for their taste. Just like potatoes, carrots can be overwintered in the ground.

Kitchen basics

Onions, chilies, tomatoes and garlic form the basis of various recipes and as such having them fresh would add interest to dishes. In order to take them through the winter the tomatoes can be canned or frozen.

The survival garden is not only a cost-effective way of procuring food, it is also one of the best ways to consume truly organic fruits and vegetables.

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