Keeping Pests Away

Having a garden can be one of life’s simple pleasures. Tending to it can be its own reward, though it can certainly be nice to reap a bounty of fruits and vegetables or prize-worthy flowers. Unfortunately, all of these benefits can be made impossible by just a few simple vermin making meals out of your hard work. If your garden suffers from four legged intruders, keep reading for some easy tips on keeping them away.

All vermin are prey for a predator. Sometimes they’re prey for more than one. Buy urine or imitation-urine of these predators and spread it liberally around your garden. Vermin know what this smells like, because they’ve learned it means danger is near. By spilling the substance all over your garden, they’ll think the same of the area and avoid it at all costs.

Another good way to use vermin’s natural predators to your advantage is by purchasing a fake owl and placing it near. These are very common in garden stores and not at all hard to find. Owls eat such a wide variety of rodents, reptiles and amphibians that most will see your fake version and never come near.

Most fences just aren’t up to the demands of trying to keep your garden safe from interlopers. One fence that will, however, is an electric one. These days you can buy one that’s just the size you need and it will take very little electricity to make it effective. More than one shock won’t be necessary for most creatures  to learn their lesson.

Keyless Front Door Locks Are a Reality

By now, most people are comfortable with the concept of a keyless ignition system on their cars. All you need to do is push a button and your car starts up. Some cars also feature keyless entry systems that allow people to unlock their car doors without having to fumble for keys. But until recently, there hasn’t been similar technology in place to let people get into their homes without pulling out their keys and unlocking their doors.

This is changing, however, as new technology makes it possible to not use keys to unlock your front door. While some people may not be comfortable with not physically locking or unlocking their doors, the reality is that today’s keyless front door technology is just as safe and secure as having a triple deadbolt lock on your entryway door. These technological upgrades can be purchased and added onto almost any front door as a replacement for the standard key locking mechanism.

One approach to keyless front doors is to utilize Bluetooth technology to unlock a door. An app is loaded onto your smartphone that can be read by a Bluetooth-enabled front door. All you need to do is open the app and possibly enter in a password and your door automatically unlocks.

One of the great benefits from this method is that the related apps allow you to do more than just lock or unlock your door. You can sync your door with your alarm system, keep a running log of when the door was opened and closed and more. Some Bluetooth systems are even able to recognize a person’s fingerprint so that a door can be opened with a single touch — a huge help if you are dealing with kids or a handful of groceries.

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