People will naturally spend more time outdoors in the summer months. For those looking to entertain and impress your guests in summer, planting some summer-friendly plants in your garden can be a easy way to make your garden more welcoming. Here are some summer-friendly plants that will liven up your garden.
Salvia – If you are looking for a low maintenance plant that attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, Salvia is a wise choice. Salvia is a long flowering plant that will add color to your garden all summer long. Plant your Salvia by mixing flower fertilizer with water and soil. Plant Salvia in a sunny area of your garden to ensure your plant flowers.
Yarrow – If you want to increase the health of your garden and brighten up your space, consider planting Yarrow. This plant is a pollinator and will bring in beneficial bugs to your garden. Plant your Yarrow on a sunny day and leave ample space between plants for your Yarrow to grow.
Cone Flower – Add height to your garden by planting Coneflower. Coneflower will is a long lasting plant and will continue to grow into fall. Cone Flower is perfect to add dimension to beds that are shorter. Look at planting them in areas that receive at least six hours of sunlight during the day. Coneflowers prefer to grow in lean soil or poor soil that is not rich in nutrients. If you receive very small flowers, look at fertilizing your plant sparingly.