By definition, Xeriscaping means water wise or water efficient landscaping and came into existence in Denver, Colorado in the 1970s.
It should be pointed out that Xeriscaping isn’t any type of garden style but is really common sense that can be applied to any type of gardening style.
As mentioned earlier, this is about grouping plants together that will conserve water but also result in healthier landscapes and gardens too.
That said, here are 4 principles of Xeriscaping that will help you create a better garden:
#1: Planning & Design
Planning your garden instead of fighting your site is a good idea by reviewing your garden’s exposure, soil and topography. With that done, then pick planting zones and group your plants according to your planting needs.
#2: Improve the soil
Without a doubt, if you take care of the soil, it will take care of your plants. There’s much truth in that statement. In order to do this, you have to generate a good amount of organic matter which will improve water retention and penetration in any kind of soil. Organic mulch is also another way of improving the soil.
#3: Mulch
Most gardeners want things tidy and which is why some of them go to great extents to remove all the debris and leaves that cause decay. Alternatively, shredded bark and compost being aesthetically pleasing
#4: Efficient Watering
As mentioned earlier, grouping plants according to their water needs can save you a lot of water. In fact, drip irrigation is recommended as they help you control when and how much water the plants can get. You can base your watering schedule based on the needs of the plants which become less frequent as the plants grow.